Michele Schottenbauer

Compositor Pós-Moderna e Educador Musical

Schottenbauer Publishing fornece materiais educativos exclusivos, a um preço razoável.

Um músico e ciência estudante premiado como jovem e adulto jovem, M. Schottenbauer, Ph.D. Estudou música, física, matemática e artes liberais na universidade antes de ganhar um doutorado em psicologia. Dr. Schottenbauer detinha uma posição como professor assistente de pesquisa, e atualmente trabalha em tempo integral como um autor independente, compositor, pesquisador, desenvolvedor de software educacional, e editor.

Mais de 1000 Book & Música Títulos Disponível a partir do Schottenbauer Publishing!

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As Composições Contemporâneas

Uploads de composições dos anos 1980 e 1990 em andamento, incluindo uma ópera a partir de 1998 e música adicional câmara.

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New Blogs Promote Music Education Materials

31.08.2015 Notícias

Several new blogs promote educational materials by composer and publisher M. Schottenbauer, Ph.D.  The blogs , which are administered by the composer on the Blogspot domain, include the following: The Big Print Music Method Piano Technique Education Chamber Music Education Tips Symphony, Orchestra, Band, and Recorder The Big Print Conducting Method The Science of Music Performance Music Theory & Ear Training The blogs feature free samples of e-files sold on MusicaNeo, as ...

Composer Announces New Humorous Music Video, "Trumpet Ball"

31.08.2015 Notícias

Composer, author, and publisher M. Schottenbauer, Ph.D., has created a new demo video, Trumpet Ball . This humorous piece features a cartoonized video of Schottenbauer performing on trumpet while engaging with a bright red toy ball. Trumpet Ball is available on  YouTube .

A Concert Hall for Every Budget

31.08.2015 Notícias

Owning a personal concert hall is the secret dream of many musicians. Thankfully, this may now become a reality for millions of musicians, due to new, budget-conscious Tiny Concert Hall  plans by composer and musician M. Schottenbauer, Ph.D. Described in a series of videos on  YouTube , Tiny Concert Hall  plans include the following economical designs: Original Trailer Model (8' x 20') Alternate Trailer Design Symphony Orchestra Trailer Modular Building Steel ...

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